Many ways we can help all life on Earth

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Scroll down for a list  that will continuously be added to of ways we can help Earth and all life dependent on the intricately interwoven systems.
To help us nurture and enable sustainability while making sure better ways come into being…
and  ensure that life is not only protected, but that justice, health and peace are just as much a part of life as breathing is.

We ALL must do what we can.
Personally on through globally.
All individuals, business, education, places of worship, groups and governments.

The list is in no particular order. Newest additions will be added on the top, the numbers aren’t a countdown or priority list, just there to help remember where you are in it.
If there’s something that has already passed such as a petition or action then check out the group or whatever else is related then move on to the next.

– List –

26) Divest from the war machine!
The time is now. We must divest from the war machine. Check where your investments are in and what funds are better.

Also, the next link has info on the Divest/Invest movement to accelerate the clean energy transition through divesting from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions.

25) Help and check on people in the cold weather
Some people, even close neighbors, may be at risk in any weather but especially in the cold.
Elderly may not have enough money to heat their homes properly or can slip on ice or shouldn’t be shoveling snow but do so anyway, so check on them.

As for homeless people, they are very much at risk. Here are a few things to help plus you can check around for more suggestions and/or think of others on your own…
Carry a few cloth shopping bags with:
1) Some peanut butter, protein snacks or whatever else in the bags. If it’s peanut butter make sure to have a metal spoon included (plastic can just break). You can find metal spoons at thrift stores cheap.
2) Some gloves, knit hats or anything else, also thrift stores are good.
3) Water, but if left in your car it will freeze, so have them by the door and take with you.
4) A list of shelters or places to get help written down. You can find those by an internet search, asking around, etc.
5) Maybe some personal care items but you don’t want to come across and judging or telling them what to do, just that it’s an offer that they may want or can pass on to someone else.
6) Anything else you think would be good.
If you have those things together you can just hand them to someone and it may help.

Here are a few links with more ideas and info…

Just note, you will have to decide if approaching or offering to someone you don’t know is safe, what their situation is or what you should do. These are just ideas, you need to make the decision of what is best.

We need a world without want and suffering but until that is our reality we MUST do what we can to help those that need help.

Don’t leave dogs and cats outside in the winter
Just because you think they’ll be fine doesn’t mean they will be.
Please visit and read these articles…

23) Household Hazardous Waste, alternatives/how to reduce the use of, dispose of or recycle properly.
There are many resources you can find on safe alternatives to what many people use around the house, yard and car and how to properly deal with any you need to get rid of. These sites are just a partial list but it’s a start, look around/ask around on your own and encourage others to do the same.
Management, reduction, regulating and related links to HHW
20 natural cleaning hacks to replace harmful chemicals

22) Know how, when and IF you should help a wild animal and where to find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
This link below goes to a page with info we should all know (at least the basics of) to see if we should help an animal that may look like it needs help, then there is a link on that page that is a pdf file with a list of rehabilitators but you can also search on your own as I don’t think it’s complete.
It’s a good idea to have a phone number and link to a site saved on your phone, in your wallet and on your fridge so it’s handy.
The link here does have some good info, read up please.

21) Use a Credit Union instead of a bank.
Credit Unions are insured just like regular banks BUT they are owned by the depositors and are not for profit.
They generally have lower fees, pay higher rates on savings and are more apt to lend to local businesses.
They also are less apt to be investing in that which harms us all.
Leave the big banks and be a part of a Credit Union.
Here’s a site where you can find one near you but since I’m not a part of that site I can’t say for certain if it has every one there is so even if you don’t see a local one search in different ways. It’s worth it.

20) Avoid plastic garden or tree netting, fake Halloween cobwebs and things like that,
birds can get caught in those. Chicken wire or similar are much less apt to have birds caught plus there’s a lot less chance it’ll just end up blowing away and being a danger for all kinds of animals.
If using chicken wire, make sure to bend the ends over if you cut it to size so critters (and people) don’t get injured.
The fake spiderwebs may look cool but they also pose a danger to birds, please just use other decorations if you’re set on putting something up.

19) If you have something needing to be fixed or have a project, see if you can borrow a ladder or drill or whatever, don’t automatically run out and buy one.
If you can’t find anything free, try buying used.
Same goes for materials, check places like Freecycle or online classifieds, or look into sharing groups. Some libraries actually have tools to borrow. Look into places like Building Value. Keep in mind things like that.
Building Value

18) Don’t use chemical pesticides, weed killer, artificial fertilizer or anything like those.
Get schools, businesses, governments, parks and everyone possible to stop them also.
Be polite when asking others to stop and if it’s a school or government you can remind them you are paying for it and it’s not only a waste of money but a health and legal risk that shouldn’t be there.
If a student or anyone gets ill because of it that’s bad enough but then on top of that a lawsuit could be filed and that is entirely avoidable.

Save money and end the damage and dangers by just not using that stuff in the first place.

If they are spraying, find out what it is ( Make sure you find out what the specific product is that they are using), don’t assume it’s something like Roundup  – which should be avoided – when there could be the possibility it’s just vinegar which is a natural, much safer way to stop grass growing in cracks or whatever), then, once you know precisely what it is you can get info on it, find if it’s been banned anywhere and that information will help when you go to have it stopped.
Make sure you’re informed. You don’t need to be an expert, but get basic info before making any claims or accusations.
If they resist stopping use after trying to politely inform them then get even more informed about how others got it stopped.
Maybe it’s a petition, maybe speak up at a public meeting, maybe a lawsuit.
Read up, learn how others proceeded.
You can change things like this, don’t doubt your ability. Ask others to join in if you want or need to but don’t give up.

17) If you see a company, shopping center, school or government building operating inefficiently (such as parking lot lights on during the day, doors left open in cold or hot temperatures etc) go in and ask them to fix it.
Sometimes you may need to find out who owns the buildings that are being leased but reminding them money is being wasted which cuts their profit and drives up prices for customers … along with sending a bad message about the company since it’s irresponsible or tolerating irresponsibility … they usually will fix it.
The same goes for them cutting back on waste, making sure they recycle and all aspects of their business doings.
If they don’t fix the problem then find someone higher up to talk to, mention to the stores leasing that you won’t shop there until they pressure the owner or until they fix it and if necessary give a mention of the company and how irresponsible they are online and to others.
We all need to act responsibly, so look how you live and fix what you can and also look how all entities around you carry themselves. Companies and schools and governments are run by people, so remind them of their responsibility (in a friendly manner of course)

16) Save money and energy insulating your house or apartment, sealing leaks and even planting landscaping.
Some free or cheap and easy to do.
You can obviously search for ideas and think up things on your own but here’s some to start with…
(I don’t know anything about the company but they have a lot of good info and ideas)

15) Go Vegan (or head in that direction)

The 3 main reasons people go Vegan are for their health, for the animals and for the planet.
Some choose to for one or two of those, some all 3.
It’s beneficial no matter what the reason.
There is plenty of info out there with one good source being
The Vegan Society which was founded in 1944.
Please visit and remember, even if it’s just one step at a time it’s worth it.
And BTW, yes, you can easily get all the protein and calcium you need from anywhere from a raw veggie diet to a processed “meat replacer” diet which offers a ton of choices with more by the day.
B12 is really the main thing to make sure you get enough of through supplements and that goes for around 40% of Americans, not just Vegans.
Along with it being added in various foods, there’s a simple liquid spray – “mykind Organics B-12 Organic Spray
It’s something to be aware of but not freak out about, but as with anything be informed, consult a health professional and decide on your own.
Here’s the site mentioned above.
and the B12

14) Use your talents and creative efforts such as music and art for good.
Songs (and all art) can help encourage new ways and can empower people.
Make a song or video or a play or painting that says something important either by yourself or with others.
There’s more power in that than it may seem.
Here’s one site where you can collaborate over the internet nice and easy on songs, etc…

13) Support Peacemakers
You may even have local groups, check into that.
Here are some to visit:

A) CodePink

B) United for Peace and Justice

C) Peace Alliance

D) American Friends Service Committee has a lot of good info, here I have the link to one section they call “Wage Peace”

E) Veterans For Peace

12) Don’t be afraid to speak truth.
And even if afraid, try to speak it anyway.
As Maggie Kuhn said:
“Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.”

11) Be willing to talk to anyone.
Not just people you know think the same, but anyone!
Actually listen to them, you may learn why others think different. That doesn’t mean you’ll align on everything, it means you’re willing to be civil and willing to learn. Through that they may also learn from you.
Don’t fall into “us vs them”, that doesn’t help you or them, but it may be exactly what those in office or board rooms want.
Be open, or at least try.

10) Run for office, start a coalition or support various independent candidates.
Here’s a successful group out in California, The Richmond Progressive Alliance, learn from them…

9) Plant native to your area bushes, ground cover, flowers and trees. Find if there are any groups or places you can learn what may help the most such as in attracting butterflies or other pollinators.
Search the internet, ask around, ask at the library.
Don’t use chemicals!

8) Join with groups that are pushing for a just transition to clean energy, good jobs, a sustainable planet, eliminating poverty and war and ensuring climate justice.
A few are
The Poor People’s Campaign
Fridays For Future
Strike With Us
and many, many more. Those 3 examples all have supporters, alliances and groups they mention, so just from them it can stretch quite a ways, but reach out to whatever groups you want and work together.
We must set aside our differences and not be divided!

7) Grow some of your own food!
If you want to grow a lot in a small area, try the Three Sisters or whatever you like. Go organic, try to use heritage seeds and you’ll know the food is safe, healthy and didn’t use tons of packaging and energy to travel vast distances to get to your table!
Three Sisters explanation and history…

6) Travel less, ride a bike, ride public transportation, share a ride and look into electric vehicles. There are now electric cars, trucks from small to semi tractors, scooters, motorcycles and buses (Example: Proterra a US bus company has a bus that can go 1,100 miles on ONE charge!). The prices are coming down, there is much more variety, tens of thousands of chargers are in the US and globally, more by the day some even free in cities, at hotels, restaurants and more and you can charge at home. Get some panels and you’ve got it made!
Do some searching, read up, check out places like Drive Electric Week where you’ll find a lot of resources.

5) Look into getting solar and encourage others to for home, schools, businesses, churches and so forth.
The price is coming down fast, it’s worth looking into.
Some companies offer zero down and the amount you save on energy pays off the panels. You save money, home value goes up, air is cleaner, local people are employed and on and on.
It’s win/win!
If you’re not in a city you may want to consider small turbines for wind energy. You can even make your own, check out tutorial videos on the web!

4) Shift your energy supplier to all wind or wind and solar.
Your energy company may allow you to choose who supplies them with the amount you use. I have all wind and it’s actually cheaper than I would pay.
Avoid biomass, it can be healthy trees chopped down, you will want to get wind or wind and solar.
Just check with your energy company, they’ll tell you how to go through the process. It’s easy and worth it.
As an example, here’s one company that offers 100% wind but NOTE, if you sign up with them (and maybe some others) for all wind, when the initial period ends they may switch you to a plan that is not all wind, so when the year or whatever is up and you are contacted by them just respond saying you want to continue on all wind with what plan(s) they have.
It’s not complicated but I just wanted to add that in there.
AEP Energy’s ECO-Advantage

3) Reduce/Reuse/Recycle.
Cut back on what you buy. If you do buy something, see if you can find it used at a yard sale, thrift store and so forth. If there are two of the same thing and one has less packaging choose that one. Reuse what you have, find what people throw away and use it. You may find 2x4s or a million other things destined for a landfill. Save money and use those.
Encourage friends, businesses, schools and governments to cut back on use and waste.

2) Divest/Invest.
Accelerating the clean energy transition.
DivestInvest is a diverse, global network of individuals and organizations united in the belief that by using our collective influence as investors to divest from fossil fuels, and invest in climate solutions, we can accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. In this way, we are supporting the agreement made by governments in Paris at COP21 and protecting our own investment returns.
Also, here’s info on divesting from the war machine…

1) Plant a Tree.
You can start one from a seed like the Maple “helicopter” seeds that spin out of the trees, from acorns, from trees that start too close to a house or you can go to a nursery or order some from places like the Arbor Day Foundation where right now they also have a #TeamTrees initiative to plant 20 million trees by 2020. Donate $1 for each tree.
However you do it, get some planted (choose native to the area, a mix of hardwoods, faster softwoods and fruit trees is great), take care of them, do not use tons of mulch (it should NOT touch the trunk) and enjoy watching them grow!
Put them in small containers and take them to neighbors and friends!
Make an event out of it, just make sure to care for them and not let them get run over by a lawnmower. Water it, have a fence where deer won’t eat it or people step on it.

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